If you need legal help, please get in touch with the legal aid commission in your state or territory.
Southeast Queenslanders can find out how they can get free legal, advocacy and counselling support to share their story with the Disability Royal Commission at the Brisbane Disability Expo.
Your Story Disability Legal Support, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion and Lotus Support Services will be among hundreds of service and product providers at the event, which will take place at the Brisbane Showgrounds from 14 to 15 October.
The Brisbane Disability Expo brings together people with disability with service and product providers. It will also feature presentations and speakers, kids’ entertainment and live all-ability performances.
Date and time: Friday 14 October and Saturday 15 October from 9am-3pm
Where: Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane Showgrounds, 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Cost: Free
Register: For more information and to register, visit the expo website