
Displaying item 0 - 9 of 9 results
  • Do you have a disability or care for someone who does? Do you have a legal problem?

    This brochure is about Your Story Disability Legal Support. It explains who we are, how we can help and what the Disability Royal Commission is about.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

  • Your Story Disability Legal Support - We are a free legal service for people with disability.

    This brochure is about Your Story Disability Legal Support. It explains who we are, how we can help and what we can help you with.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • Your Story Disability Legal Support - We are a free legal service for people with disability - Easy English

    This brochure is about Your Story Disability Legal Support. It explains who we are, how we can help and what we can help you with.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - What is the Disability Royal Commission?

    In Australia, a royal commission is the government’s way of finding out about big problems that are important to the public.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • How to use Your Story Disability Legal Support—Easy English guide

    This guide is written in easy English (simplified language) making it suitable for people with low literacy or where English is not their first language. 

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • What is the Disability Royal Commission? Easy English guide

    This easy English guide is about the Disability Royal Commission. It is written in easy English (information written in an easy to read way) making it suitable for people with low literacy or for whom English is not their first language.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • Your Story Disability Legal Support—Easy English guide

    This fact sheet is about Your Story Disability Legal Support. It is written in easy English (information written in an easy to read way) making it suitable for people with low literacy or for whom English is not their first language.

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters | For organisations |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • Ideas for preparing your submission

    One way to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission is by making a submission. A submission is a record of your story. This resource gives you some ideas and information about how to prepare your submission. 

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters |

    Publication type: Brochure

    Language: English,

  • Sharing Your Story with the Disability Royal Commission—Flipbook

    How to share Your Story with the Royal Commission, video resource (including transcript). 

    Audience: For people with disability | For carers and supporters |

    Publication type: Flipbook

    Language: English,

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