
Displaying item 0 - 2 of 2 results
  • Referral Form to Your Story Disability Legal Support

    This referral form is for professionals working with people with disability. Use this form to refer your clients to Your Story Disability Legal Support for free, independent legal advice to safely engage with the Disability Royal Commission. You must secure your client’s consent before you refer them to our service. A completed referral form should be sent to: YourStoryDisability@legalaid.qld.gov.au 

    Audience: For organisations |

    Publication type: Other

    Language: English,

  • Your Story Legal Referral Checklist

    This checklist is for professionals working with people with disability. It can be used at any stage to identify if your client should consider getting legal advice before sharing their story with the Disability Royal Commission. 

    Audience: For organisations |

    Publication type: Other

    Language: English,

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